IPS Symposium on 'Haunting Histories' on Friday, 25 April 2025

Organizers: Jaakko Heiskanen and Joanne Yao

Supported by: the Research Group on International Political Sociology, the LTDS programme Mobile People: Mobility as a Way of Life, and the School of Politics and IR at Queen Mary University of London.


Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ips-symposium-on-haunting-histories-tickets-1236222698369?aff=oddtdtcreator



Queen Mary University of London

Queens Building

Colette Bowe Room

Mile End Road

London E1 4NS


‘Haunting Histories’ invites participants to reflect on the role of history in shaping world politics and the ways we understand, (re)construct, and are moved by the past. Questions to be explored include: How do legacies of empire and colonialism continue to haunt world politics in the twenty-first century? How can historical analogies illuminate contemporary political problems by resurrecting the spectre of the past, and what are the limits of analogical thinking? How might histories be animated by more-than-human forces from the natural to the supernatural to capitalism? How can we balance fine-grained historical scholarship with interconnected histories that cut across spatial or temporal boundaries? This symposium brings together an interdisciplinary, international team of senior and early career scholars working at the cutting edge of these questions.


Confirmed participants:

Ida Birkvad (LSE)

Regan Burles (University of Edinburgh)

Zeynep Gulsah Capan (University of Erfurt)

Julia Costa Lopez (University of Groningen)

Jaakko Heiskanen (QMUL, SPIR)

Kimberly Hutchings (QMUL, SPIR)

Timor Landherr (QMUL, SPIR)

Nivi Manchanda (QMUL, SPIR)

Sharri Plonski (QMUL, SPIR)

Layli Uddin (QMUL, SPIR)

Kim Wagner (QMUL, History)

Joanne Yao (QMUL, SPIR)

Danielle Young (Aberystwyth University)

Ayse Zarakol (University of Cambridge)


EISA PEC 2025 – IPS Doing International Political Sociology – call for panels and papers