EISA PEC 2025 – IPS Doing International Political Sociology – call for panels and papers

Jef Huysmans (Queen Mary University of London)


Renata Summa (University of Groningen)


We are inviting panel, roundtable, and paper proposals for IPS Standing Section Doing International Political Sociology at the EISA Pan-European Conference in Bologna, Italy, 25-29 August 2025

Submission deadline: 20 March 2025

For information on the conference: https://eisa-net.org/pec-2025/

The link to the submission page can be found here: https://eisa-net.org/abstract-submission-guidelines-pec25/

The Standing Section on International Political Sociology (IPS) aims to provide a space at EISA conferences for engaging with research agendas that revolve around international political sociology as a site for critical explorations of the ‘problem of the international’. Over the past twenty years, IPS has sought to broaden critical investigations at the intersection of various disciplinary fields within the social sciences, aiming to expand and diversify scholarship in IR.  The efforts to continuously push the boundaries of this intellectual movement, IPS, have produced a variety of initiatives that have, for the most part, contributed to consolidating its transdisciplinary and transversal agenda, connecting scholars and researchers who share a willingness to challenge institutionalised repertoires of analysis and displace questions, methods, and styles deemed acceptable in the field.  After exploring the in-between, the contingent, and the multiple in world politics that defines IPS, this section will encourage debates that advance its innovative research programme. This programme focuses on the significance of boundary-crossing phenomena in world politics and the dynamics of fracturing social and political orders. Despite a heightened interest in the situated, the everyday, the event, and the local within IPS, obtaining IR credentials often still requires that these small or temporary analyses provide insights into broader systems, transformations, and world histories. IPS serves as a platform for exploring concepts and approaches that problematise these inclinations towards the ‘big’. It achieves this by encouraging conceptual and methodological innovation that challenges sociologies of order and investigates sociologies of transversal connections.

The section will promote international political sociologies on topics that populate IPS’s research programmes, including migration and various forms of human and non-human circulation and mobility, securitisation, surveillance, resistance and counter-politics, social movements, citizenship, planetary urbanism and global cities, post-truth, temporalities and histories, technologies of governance, and critical methodologies and knowledge production.  We will also continue to promote both theoretical and empirical work regarding concepts such as movement, transversality, becoming, critique, practice, atmospheres, affects, the everyday, assemblages, borders, inequality, and the planetary.

Due to the limited number of panel slots, we may not be able to accept double-panel submissions on the same topic.


IPS Symposium on 'Haunting Histories' on Friday, 25 April 2025


IPS the Netherlands - Call for PapersSeminar Series in International Political Sociology (2025)