Call for Papers: PhD Seminar Series in IPS (2019/2020)
Photo by organisers.
Call for Papers
PhD Seminar Series in International Political Sociology (2019/2020)
Organised by the research group Doing IPS and PhD students in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, the School of Politics and International Relations/School of Law at Queen Mary University of London, and the Department of International Relations at London School of Economics.
Building on the success of our first IPS PhD seminar series in International Political Sociology (IPS) from May 2018 to May 2019, the organising committee is pleased to share the call for papers for a second IPS PhD seminar series which is due to start in June 2019. The series is made up of monthly student-led seminars jointly organised through KCL, QMUL, and LSE. It seeks to introduce PhD students from various disciplines to the ongoing research on IPS. It is aimed at PhD students in international relations, human geography, political science, political economy, history, sociology, the humanities, law, anthropology and other relevant disciplines whose research uses concepts, tools and methods from the growing literature on IPS.
Participants will take part in 10-12 seminars over 12 months. They have the chance to present their work-in-progress on/in IPS to PhD colleagues and senior academics from universities across London and the UK who work within the realm of IPS. In addition, it gives them an overview of the contemporary research in the field as they attend the presentations of the other participants. Last, it gives participants an opportunity to network with academics and students in their field of interest, opening doors for further intellectual discussions and research collaborations. Our first seminar series has built many interdisciplinary and cross-institutional links with PhD students and faculty across the UK. In addition to our regular seminars, we have organised special events around IPS topics and debates, including roundtables on historical sociology and IPS, reflexive sociology and international law, and IPS and law. We plan to continue this tradition during the second year of the seminar series.
The series runs over a period of 10-12 months, usually meeting once a month on a Friday. The exact time will be determined based on the preferences of the accepted participants. In each two-hour seminar, two participants will present work-in-progress (thesis chapter, book chapter, journal manuscript) to the group and invite a senior academic as discussant. The discussion will be followed by questions and answers with the audience. Each participant is allocated one hour, and all participants are expected to have read the papers in advance. Presenters are encouraged to invite their supervisors and colleagues interested in their work. The seminars will rotate between the three host institutions.
How to apply
The seminar series aims to recruit 20 participants to present their work. We aspire for both institutional and disciplinary diversity. It is expected that participants attend the majority of seminars and that their work speaks directly to IPS. To be considered for the seminar series, please send an email to with the following information:
a) A tentative title and 250-word abstract of the work-in-progress that you wish to present, indicating how it speaks to IPS;
b) A short bio (name, institutional affiliation, the year of your PhD, general academic interests); and
c) An indication of any time constraints (such as fieldwork or trips) that might limit your availability to participate in the seminar series throughout the year.
The deadline for applications is Friday, 5 April 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by mid-April. An introductory meeting will be held on 24 May at Queen Mary which will give new recruits a chance to meet presenters from the previous seminar series and find out more about IPS and the seminars. Please email if you have any questions or queries.
Doctoral student organisers
• Alvina Hoffmann, Department of War Studies, King’s College London.
• Hesham Shafick, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London.
• Katharine Weatherhead, Department of Law, Queen Mary University of London.
• Alice Engelhard, Department of International Relations, School of Economics.
• Catherine Hirst, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics.
• Enrike van Wingerden, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics.
Senior academic organisers
• Audrey Alejandro, Assistant Professor of Qualitative Text Analysis, Department of Methodology, London School of Economics.
• Jef Huysmans, Professor of International Politics, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London.