PhD Seminar Series in International Political Sociology (2020-2021)
Photo of first series from organisers.
Building on the success of the first and second editions of the PhD Seminar Series in International Political Sociology, the Organising Committee is pleased to run a third IPS PhD Seminar series starting from September 2020 (see the call for papers). The series is being organised through Queen Mary University of London, King’s College London, and London School of Economics. It provides doctoral candidates with a forum dedicated to IPS where they can: (1) present their work and receive feedback from peers and senior academics in the field, (2) engage with contemporary IPS research designs and debates, and (3) develop transdisciplinary and cross-institutional relationships with a view to facilitating further discussions and collaborations around common research themes. More widely, the series will strengthen the analysis and evaluation skills of early career researchers.
For details on the programme, sponsors, and organisers, please click here.