PhD Seminar Series: International Political Sociology (2019/2020)
Photo of first series from organisers.
Organised by the research group Doing IPS and PhD students in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, the School of Politics and International Relations/School of Law at Queen Mary University of London, and the Department of International Relations at London School of Economics.
Building on the success of our first IPS PhD seminar series in International Political Sociology (IPS) from May 2018 to May 2019, the organising committee is pleased to run a second IPS PhD seminar series from June 2019. The series is made up of monthly student-led seminars jointly organised through KCL, QMUL, and LSE. It seeks to introduce PhD students from various disciplines to ongoing research around IPS. It is aimed at PhD students in international relations, human geography, political science, political economy, history, sociology, the humanities, law, anthropology, and other relevant disciplines whose research uses concepts, tools, and methods from the growing literature on IPS.
Through the seminar series, participants have the chance to present their work-in-progress on/in IPS to PhD student colleagues and senior academics from universities across London and the UK who work within the realm of IPS. In addition, it gives them an overview of the contemporary research in the field as they attend the presentations of the other participants. Lastly, it gives participants an opportunity to network with academics and students in their field of interest, opening doors for further intellectual discussions and research collaborations. The seminar series develops interdisciplinary and cross-institutional links with PhD students and faculty across the UK and beyond.
In addition to our regular seminars, we organise special events around IPS topics and debates. Previous events include roundtables on historical sociology and IPS, reflexive sociology and international law, and IPS and law.
The seminar series is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council’s London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership. Additional financial support is provided by the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics.
Doctoral student organisers
• Alvina Hoffmann, Department of War Studies, King’s College London.
• Hesham Shafick, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London.
• Katharine T. Weatherhead, Department of Law, Queen Mary University of London.
• Alice Engelhard, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics.
• Catherine Hirst, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics.
• Enrike van Wingerden, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics.
Senior academic organisers
• Audrey Alejandro, Assistant Professor of Qualitative Text Analysis, Department of Methodology, London School of Economics.
• Jef Huysmans, Professor of International Politics, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London.
10-12 seminars take place over a period of 12 months. Participants usually meet once a month on a Friday, with the exact time and date determined with the accepted participants. In each two-hour seminar, two participants introduce their work-in-progress (thesis chapter, book chapter, journal manuscript) to the group and invite a senior academic as discussant. The discussion is followed by questions and answers with the group. All participants are expected to make every effort to attend the seminars and are expected to have read the papers in advance. Presenters are encouraged to invite their supervisors and colleagues interested in their work. The seminars rotate between the three host institutions.
The below programme is updated on a regular basis.
Date Presenter and title Discussant 28 June 2019 Katharine T. Weatherhead (QMUL):
‘Unravelling Mediterranean Migration: Legal and political knowledge creation and diffusion among asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants’
Adelie Chevee (SOAS):
‘The Dictator or the Emperor? Protest Dilemmas and Postcolonial Thought in the Syrian Revolution’
Time and location: 3-5pm, KCL Strand Campus
Rutvica Andrijasevic
Rahul Rao/ Audrey Alejandro
4 July 2019 Hesham Shafick (QMUL):
‘From ‘Inception’ to ‘Deception’: Social media and the changing mode of Information Hegemony’
Farai Chipato (QMUL):
‘Active and dissident citizenship in urban Zimbabwe’
Time and location: 3-5pm, QMUL Mile End Campus
Sara Salem
Simukai Chigudu
27 September 2019 Christoffer Guldberg (KCL):
‘Pacified Citizenship and Resistance – the Interstices of Citizenship and Security in Rio de Janeiro’s Pacification Program’
Jennifer Bates (KCL):
‘Insurgent feminism: female FARC ex-combatants’ transitions from rebel to civilian’
Time and location: 3-5pm, LSE
Letícia Sabsay
Kate Paarlberg-Kvam
1 November 2019 Dilara B. Ozbek (Kent):
‘Navigation Novel Polities – An Understanding of Unrecognised States and the Consolidation of Contested Sovereignty in the 21st Century’
Alvina Hoffmann (KCL):
‘Socio-legal studies and International Political Sociology’
Time and location: 3-5pm, KCL Strand Campus
Felix Anderl
George Lawson
22 November 2019 Hannah Owens (QMUL):
‘Rethinking the vernacular transversally: A methodological reworking of Vernacular Security Studies’
Time and location: 3-5pm, QMUL Mile End Campus
Georg Löfflmann
13 December 2019 Catherine Craven (SOAS):
‘Diaspora as a ‘Category of Practice’ in Multi-scalar Security Governance’
Olivia Nantermoz-Benoit-Gonin (LSE):
‘Conceptualization Penal Humanitarianism – Agents, Imaginary, Practices’
Time and location: 3-5pm, LSE
Francesco Ragazzi
Monique Jo Beerli
24 January 2020 Ciara McHugh (QUBelfast):
‘(Counter-)(sur)veillance: Critical explorations of activist-police relations through visual technology’
Oliwia Wasik (QMUL):
‘Between technology and inner mystery: understanding and treating trauma at the turn of the century’
Time and location: 3-5pm, KCL Waterloo Campus
Chris Rossdale
Johannes Lang
6 March 2020 Catherine Hirst (LSE):
‘Revolution and international order’
Enrike van Wingerden (LSE):
‘The Corporeality of Scholar-Activism: Enacting Global Politics through Ethnography’
Time and location: 3-5pm, LSE
Daniel Ritter
Lauren Wilcox
3 April 2020 Quentin Deforge (Paris-Dauphine):
‘Democratic parliament or rubber-stamp parliament? Setting and contesting the agenda for democratic norms in the field of “governance” policies’
Natália Frozel Barros (Pantheon-Sorbonne):
‘Lawyers and Diplomats at the UNGA: A Space for the Transformation of International Law’
Time and location: 3-5pm, Zoom
Monika Krause TBC Bernardino Leon-Reyes (Sciences Po):
‘“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”: An Anthropological Study of “Everyday” Intelligence Oversight’
Time and location: TBC
29 May 2020 Alice Engelhard (LSE):
‘Tourism, Empire, and Global Politics: How does tourism between Kenya, India and the UK (re)produce and transform colonial relations?’
Ida Roland Birkvad (QMUL):
‘Aryanism – a transversal thought zone?’
Time and location: 3-5pm, QMUL Mile End Campus/Zoom (TBC)
Xavier Guillaume
26 June 2020 Tom Pettinger (Warwick):
‘Social work, safeguarding, and security: temporality and counter-radicalization’
Jasper van der Kist (Manchester):
‘Creating a New Object of European Governance: The Knowledge Politics of Country of Origin Information’
Time and location: 3-5pm, LSE/Zoom (TBC)