New publications from our DoingIPS London PhD Seminar Series Participants
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After a research-intensive year, we are happy to bring you a wealth of new publications from our PhD Researchers at the DoingIPS London Seminar Series.
Shruti Balaji’s (LSE) ‘From Colonial Subjecthood to Shared Humanity: Social Work and the Politics of “Doing” in Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay's International Thought’ was just published in Global Studies Quarterly.
Italo Brandimarte (University of Cambridge) recently published ‘Subjects of Quantum Measurement: Surveillance and Affect in the War on Terror’ in International Political Sociology and ‘Breathless war: martial bodies, aerial experiences and the atmospheres of empire’ in the European Journal of International Relations. This latter piece was also awarded the ISA Best Graduate Paper Award by the IPS Section.
Anna Finiguerra’s (QMUL), ‘Re-imagining Mobility: From (In)visibility to Multiple Processes of Making Present’ is now out in Millennium: Journal of International Studies. Anna’s latest piece ‘A boat’s afterlife: multiple translations of migratory debris’ was just published in the European Journal of International Relations.
Mireia Garcés de Marcilla Musté (LSE) recently published ‘You Ain’t Woman Enough: Tracing the Policing of Intersexuality in Sports and the Clinic’ in Social & Legal Studies.
Caio A. Martins Simoneti (University of Cambridge) has a new article out in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, ‘More Human than Human’: Colonial Logics and the Modern Subject in Science Fiction Films’.
Tarsis Brito’s (LSE) latest piece, ‘(Dis)possessive Borders, (Dis)possessed Bodies: Race and Property at the Postcolonial European Borders’ is now out in International Political Sociology.
Our warmest congratulations to Shruti, Italo, Anna, Mireia, Caio and Tarsis!