Launch: IPS Brazil

Photo by Renata Summa

Photo by Renata Summa

Launch of IPS Brazil

28 October 2019

On October 28 2019, researchers from different backgrounds and institutions met to launch the Brazilian International Political Sociology Network (IPS Brazil), aiming to reach also their Latin American neighbors. The goal is to create common spaces for meeting, presenting and discussing research that works across disciplines such as International Relations, Sociology and Political Theory, informed by the critical lineage of IPS.  Moreover, the Network wants to stimulate interaction between locally produced research in international studies with other groups of scholars articulated transnationally.

The meeting set goals and strategies for the IPS Brazil network activities during the next year, collecting proposals and suggestions from all participants. The aim is to create a doctoral seminar series that will take place every two months, to articulate joint panel proposals for both international and national events and to organize regular seminars to stimulate the debate of issues in the research agenda of IPS. The doctoral seminar series will officially start in March 2020, and a call for papers will circulate in early January.

The IPS Brazil Network also aims at connecting its activities to the already existing Doing IPS Network based in the UK and other places in Europe.  Moreover, we will integrate our program with the IPS Winter School, which takes place annually in Rio de Janeiro. On this occasion, Professors Roberto Yamato, Bruno Magalhães, Manuela Trindade Viana, Renata Summa and Francisco Matos, under the coordination of Professor João Pontes Nogueira, discussed the contributions of IPS in their research.


Call for Papers: PhD Seminar Series in IPS (2020/2021)


Workshop: ‘Interlingual Relations’