IPS Belgium Seminar Series 2021-2022


The series will run from October 2021 to June 2022, meeting in Université Saint Louis Brussels and online on the third Friday of the month, from 4 pm to 5 pm (CET).
In each seminar, one participant introduces their work-in-progress (thesis chapter, book chapter, journal manuscript) to the group and invites a senior academic as discussant. The work-in-progress is also discussed by a junior scholar. The discussion is followed by questions and answers with the group.
All participants are expected to make every effort to attend the seminars and are expected to have read the papers in advance. Presenters are encouraged to invite their supervisors and colleagues interested in their work.

October 22: Anne NGUYEN (ULB) "Artefacts of War and Peace"
Discussant: Rocco Bellanova (UvA) & Zeger Verleye (UAntwerpen)

November 19: Karolina KLUCZEWSKA (UGent)
"Learning in, about and from the field: Knowledge in the EU’s interactions with Central Asia"
Discussant: Julien Jeandesboz (ULB) & Laura Luciani (UGent)

December 17: Jérémy DIEUDONNE (UCL)
"Securitization, desecuritization and counter-securitization all at once: the case of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal"
Discussant: Jef Huysmans (QMUL) & Cindy Regnier (ULiège)

February 18: Zeger VERLEYE (UAntwerpen) "The Politics of State Shame"
Discussant: Simon Koschut (Freie Universität Berlin) & Jérémy Dieudonné (UCL)

April 22: Cindy REGNIER (ULiège)
"Assembling wargaming. A reassessment of wargaming as a political endeavour"
Discussant: Christophe Wasinski (ULB) & Anne Nguyen (ULB)

May 20: Laura LUCIANI (UGent)
"Re-politicising human rights ‘promotion’. EU interventions and civil society agency in the South Caucasus"
Discussant: Xymena Kurowska (CEU) & Quentin Deforge (EHESS)

June 3: Roundtable & Meet the Editors event

Objective of the seminar series

IPS Belgium aims at creating a space for discussing and fostering collaborations for anyone sharing an interest in the conceptual, ontological, and methodological implications of the IPS perspective.
As a transdisciplinary approach, International Political Sociology (IPS) offers new lenses to understand global politics and transnational relations through a wide range of analytical perspectives and empirical research strategies. By questioning the fragmentation of traditional IR categories such as the domestic and the international, high and low politics, or rationality and constructivism, it casts a light on the power dynamics at play in these entangled spaces and on their outcomes. In order to do so, IPS brings insights from sociology, anthropology, geography, history, among others, in the analysis of international relations.

Organizing committee

Laura Luciani (UGent)

Anne Nguyen (F.R.S.-FNRS, ULB)

Benjamin Puybareau (UNamur, IEP Paris)

Cindy Regnier (F.R.S.-FNRS, ULiège)

For more information, please contact ipsseminar.belgium@gmail.com.


Transnational Hub Workshop Series 2021/22


Launch: IPS the Netherlands: Call for Papers