IPS the Netherlands Seminar Series 2022


This first IPS Seminar Series will run monthly from January to June 2022. During each two-hour seminar, two participants will present a piece of work-in-progress (around 8000-10,000 words of a thesis chapter, book chapter, journal manuscript) to the group and invite a senior academic as discussant. The discussion will be followed by questions and comments from the audience. All attendees are encouraged to participate regularly and actively.  

All sessions will be held online. We also intend to organize physical events as part of the IPS network for scholars to meet each other and connect offline. 

January 27:  

Introductory meeting 

February 24:  

Sofie van der Maarel (Radbound University) 

“This is not what I expected” – Sociotechnical imaginaries, meaningful work and disillusionment in military innovation context”  

Discussant: Erella Grassiani (University of Amsterdam)  

Sabrina Axster (John Hopkins University) 

“Managing’ a World in Motion: Immigration Detention and Crises of Racial Capitalism and Racial Hegemony” 

Discussant: Lucy Maybellin (Sheffield University) 

March 24:  

Ana Flamind (University of Groningen) 

“Not just a scandal: transgressions, norms and the obliqueness of scandals” 

Discussant: Jemima Repo (Newcastle University) 

April 28:  

Magdalena König (University of Groningen) 

The Depoliticising Politics of Preventing Violent Extremism in South East Europe” 

Discussant: Francesco Ragazzi (University of Leiden) 

Anneroos Planqué-van Hardeveld (University of Amsterdam) 
The Infrastructural Politics of the Anchors of Digital Trust” 
Discussant: Raluca Csernatoni (Free University Brussels) 

May 26: 


June 30: 

Ruben van de Ven (Leiden University) 
“Drawing security vision imaginaries: understanding digital security through diagramming” 
Discussant: Rocco Bellanova (University of Amsterdam) 

Enrike van Wingerden (London School of Economics) 
Revisiting the Ruins of Apartheid: An Ethnography of Comparisons between South Africa and Palestine” 
Discussant: Suvi Alt (University of Groningen) 

Objective of the seminar series  

IPS the Netherlands is a platform for scholars to present and debate their research. It introduces graduate students and junior scholars to research inspired by International Political Sociology’s commitment to challenge methodological and conceptual assumptions in their research fields and invite them to ask questions about transdisciplinary modes of work.  

The organizers: 

Tasniem Anwar (VU)
Keri van Douwen (VU)  
Leonie Jegen (UvA)  
Enrike van Wingerden (LSE) 
Tanja Aalberts (VU)  
Marijn Hoijtink (VU)  
Beste Isleyen (UvA)   
Polly Pallister-Wilkins (UvA) 

For more information, please contact ips.seminar.nl@gmail.com 

“The Little Dutch Bus – Amsterdam” by Shane Taremi is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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